Very late Review: Noise

If a film can be noisy without making noise, this one would be even without the noise it's implying.  And that's what films do these days.  They take a word and play on it.  So noise can be literal or it can be visual or it can be just the acting in general being just over the top.

And, yes, the acting was over the top.  And that's what really hurt this film.

Tim Robbins plays a Manhattan resident who is growing increasingly annoyed by the minute as car alarms disturb his peace.  When conventional methods to silence them doesn't work, he takes to a bat and destroys the offensive cars.

His maniacal antics are the crux of the film, but rather than being funny or amusing, they get just as annoying as the alarms themselves. 

William Hurt can't save this movie from it's lower depths.

Skip it.


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