
Showing posts from October, 2012

Film Review - Nobody Walks

I'm not a prude - at least I don't think I am - but lately I've been wondering about the proliferation of movies that involved people cheating on their spouses and how it's presented on screen. A few years ago Michael Douglas starred in a film called Solitary Man about a man who is given only a few months to live, and decides to go out and leave his old life behind, divorce his wife and essentially have his mid-life crisis adventure while there’s still time left.   The writer/directors claimed they were trying to show how wrong it was, but yet I didn't get that vibe from the film.   Instead I saw it as a man trying to find himself even if it meant leaving his wife and sleeping with a much younger woman.   And yet, I felt the writer/directors were trying to hide the fact that the guy was actually living the life they wanted to live. Instead they had to have a moral, a lesson as to why it's so wrong just so someone in Hollywood would distribute it. Do all fi