Film Review: Margin Call

This was overall an enjoyable film.  It had a sometimes realistic feel to it, and a sometimes comedic, farcical nature to it.  It was difficult at times to tell if they were taking themselves seriously or not, but that didn't bother me as much as you'd think it might.  I guess it's because my day job is in the corporate world, and my company has had its share of lay-offs.  So I found myself connecting to both aspects of this film quite nicely.

What impressed me about this film was how they tackled the problem they were facing.  I really liked how they spent all night in meetings discussing the issue and working toward a resolution.  It felt very realistic to me.  For some reason I had expected it to drag over a few days, but it didn't.  The sense of urgency was strong, the attitudes of management was amusing and had a touch of realism to it.

Another interesting aspect involved a couple of the characters making accusations along the lines of "I told you about this," or "I warned you this would happen."  No one in the film wanted to broach that subject, which was disappointing for me, because I would have loved to have known what they had said back then, but we the audience were more like flies on the wall in this film.  There were no flashbacks, no time spent in character development.  We were witnessing a melt down as it was happening, and it made it feel so realistic.  I wanted more, but I knew that this wasn't the intent of this film.

I was amazed at the cast, especially those actors who only were in one or two scenes.  This shows how strong the team was behind this film that would cause some name actors to take bit parts.  They're not minor, forgettable roles by any means, but they are only in a couple of scenes. 

I have nothing more to say without giving the plot away except to highly recommend this film.


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